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A Resource is a pre-requisite for a command in a Step.

Resource is a term used to describe an external requirement that is needed before a step can be executed successfully, e.g. source code which needs to be continuously integrated and delivered.

To denote that a particular step needs a resource:

    "cmd": "sbt test",
    "needs_resource": "my-scala-src"

This resource must be declared in the resources section of the Pipeline definition.

Each entry consists of the following keys:

  • name: String, Required: The unique name of the resource by which its to be referred in the needs_resource key of a step.
  • type: String, Required: This can either be internal or external. External resources are to be fetched from a Resource Provider, whereas Internal ones are outputs of another pipeline in the system. Resources are loaded lazily when required, so if a declared resource isn’t used in a step, it will not be fetched and if fetched will be cached for the remainder of the steps.

Conditional keys:

If type is external:

  • params: Map[String, Any], Required: This are the params that are to be sent to the Resource Provider when requesting the resource. These are a property of that particular provider and helps in customizing the kind of resource fetched.

If type is internal:

  • params: Map[String, Any], Required: This are the params that are to be sent to the Artifact Store when requesting the resource. Since Bob is going to request an artifact from a previous build, it simply calls the corresponding Artifact Store with the group, name, run_id of the artifact that was produced. The name of the artifact must be same as the name of the resource.
  • provider: In this case this becomes the name of the registered Artifact Store.


        "name": "my-source",
        "type": "external",
        "provider": "github-provider",
        "params": {
            "repo": "",
            "branch": "main"
        "name": "my-ml-model",
        "type": "internal",
        "provider": "s3",
        "params": {
            "group": "dev",
            "name": "make-model",
            "run_id": "r-0ef66ba9-e397-461b-a6d9-f52f91889264"

A Resource can be used fetch any external items which may be needed in a build. This is provided to Bob via a Resource Provider.

Resource Provider

A Resource Provider is Bob's way of abstracting itself from knowing about how to fetch various resources.

The most general use case for a resource provider is to clone source code that is to be continuously integrated and delivered.

A Resource Provider is any system which has the following properties:

  • It is a web server.
  • It is reachable from the network that Bob is in.
  • Exposes an endpoint at /bob_resource upon which when a GET request is made, a tar archive is sent back. The rationale for using the tar format is:
    • Its quite ubiquitous and can be implemented with relative ease as its part of the stdlib of various languages.
    • Generally resources tend to be source code and have multiple files/folders and using an archive makes it easy to send multiple things.
    • Bob uses Podman as its orchestrator and follows its design decision of using tar files to send things over.

A reference resource provider which handles simple Github pulls can be found

This gives the following advantages:

  • Bob doesn't have to care about how to fetch a particular Resource nor does it have to care about what the resource is.
  • Using a resource provider details like auth, permissions and in cases like source control, things pertaining to private repositories, user access etc can be offloaded outside of Bob.
  • Multiple instances of Bob can share a resource provider.
  • Pretty much any source of data can be abstracted specially the various Version Control Systems.
  • The Resource Provider can be written in any language, can scale independently of Bob and be registered at runtime with Bob.

A resource provider must be registered with Bob prior to the execution of a Step that needs a resource.

To register a Resource provider with Bob:

  • Make a POST request on the end point /resource-providers/<name> with the body:
        "url": ""
  • A 202 response from Bob indicates success. Here name is the unique name with which Bob identifies this. The url must be reachable from Bob.

Conversely a DELETE request on /resource-providers/<name> un-registers it from Bob.

To list registered resource providers make a GET request on /resource-providers.